Neem Karoli Baba: The Incarnation Of Lord Hanuman Who Influenced Mark Zuckerburg and Steve Jobs
Miraculous tales of success and glory that were influenced by supernatural powers are popular around the world. One such miraculous figure was “Neem Karoli Baba“, who was believed to be the incarnation of Lord Hanuman, a Hindu deity himself. Established names like Mark Zuckerburg, Julia Roberts, and Steve jobs have been hard-core believers and devotees of Neem Karoli Baba.
Who is Neem Karoli Baba?
Neem Karoli Baba, who passed away in 1973, was a Hindu guru and devotee of the Hindu deity Hanuman. His devotees knew him as Maharaj-Ji. He is prominently known as the spiritual guru of several Americans who Traveled to India in the 1960s and 1970s, including the spiritual teachers Ram Dass and Bhagavan Das and the musicians Krishna Das and Jai Uttal.
His hermitages are located at various places in India and the United States such as Kainchi, Vrindavan, Rishikesh, Shimla, the Neem Karoli village near Khimasepur in Farrukhabad, Bhumiadhar, Hanumangarhi, and Delhi in India, and Taos, New Mexico, in the United States.

Kainchi Dham situated in the State of Uttarakhand in India is a dedicated temple to the Hindu deity, Lord Hanuman, and this temple was established by the Neem Karoli baba, and it is said that one can feel the presence and strength of Lord Hanuman in and around the temple. The temple has been visited by both Steve Jobs and Mark Zuckerburg during their tough times.

The Influence of Neem Karoli Baba on Steve Jobs
Steve Jobs always had a strong connection to India, and it is extremely evident in his stories of the Hare Krishna temple. Steve Jobs Traveled to India in 1974 with his friend Dan Kottke. After experiencing a succession of disappointments in his life, Jobs sought eternal peace and inspiration.
After hearing the traditions of Neem Karoli Baba and Ashram, Steve desired to meet Baba and receive his blessings. On September 11, 1973, Baba had left his body (Mahasamadhi) prior to his arrival. They lived in the Ashram for a long period, listened to Baba’s teachings, and practiced distant meditation before returning to the United States to find Apple.
Interestingly, Kottke was the company’s first employee, and the rest is History. Steve Jobs has frequently emphasized his spiritual experience in India. It is also said that Apple, one of the world’s most influential firms, adopted the logo of Neem Karoli Baba’s favorite fruit. It is also stated that when Steve was counting his final breaths, he had a photograph of Baba beneath his pillow.
Mark Zuckerberg And His Visit To Kainchi Dham
Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg told all about his visit to Kainchi Dham in a conversation with the Prime Minister of India, Narendra Modi, and stated that Steve Jobs had suggested him to visit Neem Karoli Baba’s (Maharajji) ashram in Kainchi. Zuckerberg visited the temple when he was confronted with tough times in both life and with Facebook. The Facebook founder came with only a book and was scheduled to stay for only one day, however, something kept him there for two days.
“So I went and I Traveled for almost a month, and seeing people, seeing how people connected, and having the opportunity to feel how much better the world could be if everyone has a strong ability to connect reinforced for me the importance of what we were doing and that is something I’ve always remembered over the last 10 years as we’ve built Facebook.”

Steve Jobs, the inventor of Apple, with the intention of meeting Neem Karoli Baba visited the Ashram with his friend Dan Kottke. However, he was unable to see Baba because he had died before his arrival. According to reports, actress Julia Roberts was fascinated by Hinduism due to Neem Karoli Baba’s influence.

Miracles associated with Neem Karoli Baba
Ram Dass, an American spiritualist revealed that once Neem Karoli Baba boarded a train without carrying a ticket, which prompted the attendant to stop the train. Maharaj Ji was forced to get off in a village in the State of Uttar Pradesh. The train attendant discovered that the engine of the train stopped working for no reason. After multiple failed attempts to start the train, someone proposed to the conductor that Maharaj Ji should be allowed back on board. Neem Karoli consented to board the train under two conditions:
1) The railway company must establish a station in Neem Karoli’s hamlet (villagers had to trek many miles to the nearest station at the time), and
2) The railway company must treat sadhus more kindly in the future. Officials consented, and Neem Karoli Baba boarded the train while joking, “What, is it my responsibility to start trains?” The train started immediately after he boarded, but the conductors refused to move forward unless the sadhu blessed them to do so. Baba bestowed his blessings, and the train continued onward. Later, a train station was constructed in Neem Karoli.
In another incident that took place in 1943, Maharajji arrived in Fatehgarh, where an elderly couple’s son was battling in Burma. When Maharajji visited their home, they offered him whatever they could. There were only two beds in the room and Maharaj Ji proposed his desire to sleep, to which the elderly couple offered him a cot and a blanket. The elderly couple remained up all night to watch Maharajji. He groaned and shifted in his sleep till 4:00 AM. At 4:30 a.m., Maharajji became silent and then wrapped something in his bed cover. He informed the elderly man:
“It’s very heavy. Don’t try to see what’s in it. You should throw it into the Ganges where it’s deep. No one should see you or you’ll get into trouble”.
Baba Neem Karoli
As the old man was carrying the blanket, it felt as if he was carrying something heavy like metal. When Maharaj Ji was leaving, he told the couple that they do not need to be worried as their son would return in a month. Miraculously, the couple’s son arrived in a month, and he told his parents that during the battle, he was stuck in a deadly situation. His unit was ambushed by the enemy, and he fell into a ditch by accident.
Throughout the night, bullets flew from left to right. He specifically told his parents that he felt a supernatural power protecting him from the bullets like a shield. At four o’clock in the morning, the Japanese realized that they had killed everyone, and so they retreated. At 4:30, Indian forces arrived. He was the lone survivor of the entire unit. This ambush occurred on the same night Maharajji had visited his parents.
“I am like the wind, no one can hold me. I belong to everyone, no one can own me. The whole world is my home, all are my family. I live in every heart, I will never leave you.”
Neem Karoli Baba
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