For Pete's Sake Day (February 26th)

Oh, for Pete’s sake! Not another pointless holiday?
For Pete’s Sake Day celebrates one example of a ‘minced oath’, where an offensive word or phrase is substituted by something more acceptable in society. Other examples include ‘For crying out loud!’, and ‘Sugar!’. Such euphemisms have been used for centuries whenever people hit thumbs with hammers, burn hands on hot plates, or sit on sharp things while in polite company. Why has Pete been singled out for special attention?
In the case of this particular minced oath, Pete is likely to refer to St Peter. However, if there’s a Pete in your life, why not do something for his sake? It doesn’t have to be much – making him a cup of tea or a nice sandwich would be good!
If you are Pete-less, perhaps you can celebrate by saying ‘For Pete’s Sake’ whenever you get an opportunity.
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